Table of Contents
The Table of Contents is a list of the positive, encouraging, and kind information that you'll find on the Happy Feels Good website. Happy browsing!
Sun With Words Happy Feels Good For Table Of Contents


Go ahead, take some time to explore around. Everything here is to help you find a little happy in your day; the silver lining; the hug you need. You can find your smile in the Happiness pages, or enjoy some light reading from the Blog in Wellness, Life, and Style. If shopping makes you happy (we’ll get along just fine) you can Shop the Blog. If your struggling, there’s an entire page full of Resources and Support contacts to help you through it. A positive attitude is a mighty tool that can help you in your darkest times. So give yourself a hug, my friend, because …

Happy Feels Good!

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A Bit About Andie

Get to know me a little. It will give you some insight on my perspective. This way, as you read, you’ll see where I’m coming from. It always helps when you can put a person behind the words. Well, here I am. Come say hi!

Email Pink Keyboard Button

Contact Andie

If you have any questions or comments that you don’t want to leave in the comments section of a post, this is the place to submit them. If you have anything to suggest to make my site better or a topic you’d like to read about, I welcome the feedback. You’re positive encouragement inspires me to write more content for you to enjoy. You’re my reader, so your opinion is valuable to me and I thank you for it.

*NO SPAM please. This is a happy place and that’s just not nice.

Have a happy inbox. Receive all the latest tips and information on how to live positively delivered with a smile and a hug directly to your inbox.

No spam ever, I promise! And you can unsubscribe at any time.

*For more details, review our Privacy Policy.

Quilling Monarch Butterfly White Background

Follow the Happy Trail

Spread happiness and positivity. Be the reason somebody smiles. You’ll find Happy Feels Good on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Twitter, Pinterest and Spotify. Follow and share, please!

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The Happy Blog

You’ll find the most recent posts from all topics posted right here in just one place. If you want to read information from only one specific topic, you can go to that topics page by clicking on it’s category button on the page or from the pull-down menu at the top of the page. So sit back, relax, and get ready to smile because Happy Feels Good!

Shopping Online With Credit Card

Shop the Blog

Retail Therapy is real. There are psychological benefits to going shopping. Take a peek in my shop. You’ll find items that can make your life easier, organized, and more manageable. Find a new hair or skincare product. Or, you could window shop for a pretty dress or pair of shoes. Anything that makes you feel good. Maybe You can find a gift for somebody else. Trust that I’ll only post things that I believe in and have probably mentioned in a post. I hope you find something you like!

*Some items I may receive a commission from. They will be noted as such. Others I may not receive a commission from. I just really like the product.

Musical Singing Dog

Listen to Music

Tune in to the Happy Feels Good Playlist. You’ll find songs that will lift your spirits and get you moving. You can find it on our Music page or Click Here to listen on Spotify. Don’t have Spotify account? It’s FREE … just sign up.

Get ready for a good mood. Dance like nobody’s watching. And belt it out — loud and proud!

Resources Support Papercut Blue Head Heart Flowers

Resources and Support

CRISIS INFORMATION and links to Mental Health resources nationally and worldwide. This page is filled with links to some of the many websites with information to further guide you in your mental health journey. The information has been taken straight from their own material and the links will take you directly to their websites.

*Mental Illness is nothing to be ashamed of. You are not alone.

Main Topics
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Information to improve your emotional well-being through mindfulness, optimism, and laughter (it's contagious).

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The lowdown about physical and mental health and how they affect each other. You deserve to feel your best!

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Examples, tips, and ideas about living a happy lifestyle. Find the sunshine anywhere!

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Style reveals your personality, mood, and opinion of yourself. Love yourself and let it show. You ARE beautiful!


Information to improve your emotional well-being through mindfulness, optimism, and laughter (it’s contagious)

Book Stories Tree Of Knowledge


Encouraging quotes, random thoughts, and interesting stories to inspire positive thinking.

Musical Singing Dog


Songs that will lift your spirits and get you moving. Go ahead and sing - loud and proud!

Hispanic Woman Laughing


A page full of rib ticklers and warm fuzzies — an instant mood booster. Just keep scrolling. I dare you not to smile!


The lowdown about physical and mental health and how they affect each other. You deserve to feel your best!
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Tips and information relating your physical health, as it affects your emotional well-being.

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Articles regarding mental health, mental illness, and associated disorders.

Resources Support Papercut Blue Head Heart Flowers


and links to Mental Health resources nationally and worldwide.


Examples, tips, and ideas about living a happy lifestyle. Find the sunshine anywhere!
Woodblock Houses


Tips and info on making your house a comfortable home. It's your refuge. Make it a safe space -- your happy place.

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Articles and tips about food -- sweets, fruits and veggies, and how food affects your mood. You are what you eat.

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Resources and information about hobbies. They keep the hands and mind busy and give you a sense of accomplishment.

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Tips, information, and ideas to bring the cheer to each happy holiday throughout the year. Decorate and celebrate!

Circular Travel Destination Signs


Articles about places with a positive atmosphere and ability to improve your spirits. Read on and spark your wanderlust!

Circular People Faces In A Circle


Tips and information about relationships, as well as articles and interviews with people about how they stay positive.

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Info on pet care. A pet provides unconditional love. They also work as therapy and service animals for those in need.


Style reveals your personality, mood, and opinion of yourself. Love yourself and let it show. You ARE beautiful!

Women Sitting Pink Chair Purple Fur Coat Fishnet Boots Pink Bow Oriental Rug


Resources and tips on how to dress for yourself and be proud of who you are. Respect the person in the mirror!

Woman Shaking Pink Hair


Tips and info about haircare. Up, down, short, long, curly, straight, gray, natural, or dyed. Have fun with it!

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Tips and info about skincare. Our body's largest organ suffers a lot of wear and tear. Let's show it some appreciation.

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