Assorted Eclectic Collections are Beautiful
When my husband and I were married, the reception had some very eclectic aspects to it. One in particular, was the assorted collection of beautiful second-hand plates that made up each place setting.

You see, my husband and I came from different backgrounds, raised with different values, and in different areas of the country.
We’re also 11-1/2 years apart, which doesn’t matter as far as love is concerned, but you can see the differences in certain things such as mannerisms, music, life experience, and every now and then maturity level.

My family is spread out all over the world and some were in attendance from other countries. My group of friends is also very diverse.
Between the two of us, we had rich people and people that were unemployed. There were people of different races and religions in attendance, as well as LGBTQ. There were corporate officers, bikers, and a politician. So, needless to say, the guest list was very eclectic.

Considering this, I wanted to think of some way to unite everyone in a common and equal manner. Some way to open peoples minds to the fact that no matter our circumstances, race, religion, sexual preference, or any other personal choice we make about ourselves, we are still alike, we are all human beings. And together, as a group, we can fit side by side and function beautifully as one unit.
Then it hit me, the plates. Everyone will be eating off of a dinner plate, right? Well, why stick to the boring basic wedding white plate? Nope, not gonna do it. Everyone is going to have a unique plate. There will be no two alike.

So, I went to every second hand store, antique store, and goodwill I could until I had purchased 100 individua plates. I bought the prettiest plates I could find, but all used, I purposefully didn’t want new.
It really did look great when it was all set up. The rest of the place settings matched, all except that on each silver charger was a unique jewel, a little extra zhuzh. It was so cool!

Everyone was welcome to take their plate home with them from the wedding. That was fifteen years ago and many people still have their plates to this day.
I wrote a poem explaining this all and it was laid on top of each place setting. Each plate has it’s own story to tell, so I called the poem:

The Anthology of Assorted Plates
After you read this, take a look around, Take in what surrounds you, each sight, each sound. See the people and plates that are here today, All unique and beautiful in their own way. When observing them all, please try to discover Something to admire in each one, in each other. Each plate here has its own story you see, Just like you and just like me. Some are young and some are old, Some seem modest, while others bold. Light and heavy, thick and thin, Some with different origins. Some are rich with gold or silver, More elegant, their surfaces glimmer. Some are modest in their design, Made simply to stand the test of time. Various patterns adorn their faces, Colors and shapes in different places. Some show their wear, yet still hold true, While others seem to be almost new. All have their imperfections, yet Look close up and you'll see them, I bet. But, take a step back and look from afar. Appreciate them each for what they are. Like people, they all have individual character, Yet together, they complement each other. But alas a plate can only hold its limit, Unlike a heart, its capacity is infinite. So, find a plate to use tonight. Swap with others if you like. Then take it home to always remember It's filled with our love to keep with you forever.